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Official Website

Malaysia Marine Department

Peraturan, Kaedah dan Perintah terpilih yang dibuat di bawah Ordinan Perkapalan Saudagar 1952

P.U. (A) 89/93Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Liability) (Malaysian Ringgit Equivalent) Order 1993
P.U. (A) 117/89Port (Negeri Sembilan) Rules 1989
P.U. (A) 213/86Penang Port (Navigation within the Area of Bridge) Rules 1986
P.U. (A) 83/85Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Regulations)1985
P.U. (A) 72/85Port (Safety of Workers) Rules 1985
P.U. (A) 439/84Merchant Shipping (Collision Regulations) (Rules for Vessels Navigating through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore) Order 1984
P.U. (A) 438/84Merchant Shipping (Collision Regulations) Order 1984
P.U. (A) 389/84Kedah Port Rules 1984
P.U. (A) 235/84Merchant Shipping (Central Mercantile Marine Fund) Rules 1984
P.U. (A) 232/84Merchant Shipping Certificates of Competency (Marine Engineer Officer Requirements) Rules 1984
P.U. (A) 231/84Merchant Shipping Certificates of Competency (Marine Engine - Divers Requirements) Rules 1984
P.U. (A) 411/83Examinations for Certificates of Competency (Deck) Rules 1983
P.U. (A) 356/83Port (Terengganu) Rules 1983
P.U. (A) 340/83Certificates of Competency in the Merchant Navy (Marine Engineer Officer Requirements) Rules
P.U. (A) 283/83Port (Malacca) Rules 1953
P.U. (A) 27/81Domestic Shipping Licensing Board Regulations
L.N. 17/65Boat (Furnishing of Photographs by Applicants for Licenses and New Owners) Rules 1965
P.U. (A) 229/64Port (Pahang) Rules 1964
L.N. 167/61Native Sailing Ships and Boats (Safety Marks) Rules 1961
L.N. 178/60Merchant Shipping (Surveyors of Ships and Radio Surveyors, Fees) Rules 1960
L.N. 172/60Federation of Malaya Local Free Board Certificates
L.N. 15/59Merchant Shipping (Radio) Rules 1959
L.N. 312/53Boat Rules 1953
L.N. 310/53Port (Perlis) Rules 1953
L.N. 308/53Port (Johore) Rules 1953
L.N. 306/53Port (Selangor) Rules 1953
L.N. 305/53Port (Perak) Rules 1953
L.N. 304/53Port (Penang) Rules 1953
L.N. 92/53Federation Port Rules
L.N. 89/53Merchant Shipping (Medical Qualifications) Rules 1953
L.N. 86/53Regulations as to Conduct and Fines 1953
L.N 79/52Terminable Certificates of Registry Regulations 1952

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