Traffic Management and Aids to Navigation Division
1. What is main function of Maritime Traffic Service by Malaysia Marine Department (MMD)?
To monitor ship traffic at Malacca Strait
Ship navigation safety warning through Navtex
Malaysian Maritime Communications Center (PUSKOMM) for ISPS compliance
2. What type of vessel need to comply with STRAITREP requirement?
Vessel of 300 GT and above
Vessel of 50 metres or more in length
Vessel engaged in towing or pushing with a combined GT of 300 and above, or with a combined length of 50 metres or more
Vessel of any tonnage carrying hazardous cargo, as defined in paragraph 1.4 of resolution MSC.43(64)
All passenger vessels that are fitted with VHF, regardless of length or GT
Any category of vessels less than 50 metres in length or less than 300 GT which are fitted with VHF and in an emergency, uses the appropriate traffic lane or separation zone, in order to avoid immediate danger.
3. Whom are the authorities for STRAITREP control?
The VTS authorities for the STRAITREP are as follows:
Sector 1 to Sector 5 - Klang VTS;
Sector 6 - Johor VTS; and
Sector 7 to Sector 9 - Singapore VTS.
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