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Official Website

Malaysia Marine Department

Frequently Asked Questions

Maritime Operation Division

Maritime Operation Division

  1. What are the main functions of the Maritime Operation Division?
    • Carry out hydrographic & management of Wreck Management.
    • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Port State Control (PSC) and Flag State Control (FSC).
    • Coordinate and manage legal issues and to issue compound for offenses under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952 (OPS1952).
    • To supervise and manage public marina under the supervision of the Marine Department of Malaysia through the enforcement of Standard Operating Procedures (POS) of Public Marina Management.
    • Coordinate the fleet management of vessels/boats under KWDA including the crews involved. Regulating the management of small ports, terminals and passenger / public jetty under the jurisdiction of the Marine Department of Malaysia.
    • Control the implementation of ship arrival and departure system online.
  2. When are the usual foreign flag ships required to undergo a Port State Control (PSC) inspection?
    • Foreign flag ships are required to undergo inspections under the "New Inspection Regime (NIR)" set by the Tokyo MOU executed on 1 January 2014.
  3. Is Marine Department Malaysia responsible for dredging works at the passenger terminal jetty?
    • The Marine Department is solely responsible for the dredging works done at the passenger terminal jetty under the supervision of the Malaysian Marine Department only.
  4. What is the SCS system?
    • This SCS system is a system used by agents / shipowners for arrival and departure of vessels at any port within Malaysia.
  5. Why each ship over 300GT entering any port within Malaysia needs to have a compulsory insurance or financial security on the ship (LLMC Protocol 1996)?
    • A vessel must have compulsory insurance or financial security to ensure the safety of the ship and prevent marine pollution in Malaysian water.
  6. What are the consequences if any ships entering any port in Malaysia do not have such mandatory insurance?
    • The owner of the ship or vessel agent can be compounded for maximum RM50,000.00 under Section 361 (1), OPS 1952 offenses.
  7. What are the guidelines for the Barter Trade boat / vessel operating in the jetty / port within of Malaysia?
    • Guidelines used for Barter Trade purposes are NPM 01/ 2017 which can be found on the website www.marine.gov.my.

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