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Official Website

Malaysia Marine Department

Management Services Division (BKP)

Unit List

Human Resource Management Unit (UPSM)


  • Manage all services for the Department.
  • Manage matters of recruitment, exchange, placement, confirmation in office, granting of pensionable status and retirement of officers.
  • To coordinate and manage all matters pertaining to promotion, acting and refurbishment of officers (including PSH/SL1M/Industrial Training) i.e. loan, temporary exchange and contract matters.
  • Coordinate and manage the application and setting of starting salary, free fare application as well as service leave (half-paid leave, unpaid leave and unrecorded leave).
  • Manage the preparation of Income Change Statement (Kew.8) for officers who exchange, act, promote, work responsibilities, temporary change, loans and contracts.
  • Coordinate the declaration of property of officers and staff.
  • Secretariat of the Departmental-level Promotion Board (non-common) and review and process promotion papers for the Management and Professional Group (non-common).
  • Review and manage the updating of the Service Book for officers and staff.
  • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the HRMIS system in the Department.
  • Manage applications to leave the country on official and private matters from the Headquarters and regions.
  • Manage applications for home transfer allowance, in- and out-of-station interchange allowances and hot clothes allowances.
  • Secretariat for the Departmental Subject Examination.
  • Ensure that the Personnel Data information is aligned with manual records.
  • Ensure that HRMIS KPIs achieve the targets set by the Ministry.
  • Review staffing requirements at the Department level.
  • To channel information on staffing, filling and vacancies of the Department to the Ministry.


  • Manage human resource services matters such as appointment process, confirmation in service, confirmation of position, exchange, temporary workman, promotion, job responsibilities , contract workers examination department and retirement.
  • Manage matters related to training and competency improvement for JLM officers/staff.
  • Manage and monitor the implementation of the Annual Work Target (SKT) and Annual Performance Report (LNPT).
  • Manage the implementation of rewards (such as Distinguished Service Awards, Distinguished Service Medals and Degrees) and punishments (such as Exit Policy).
  • Manage and monitor the implementation of HRMIS modules which are also the Department's KPIs.
  • Manage and monitor records related to officers/staff such as attendance record and service book updates.
  • Secretariat to periodic meetings such as JLM Top Management Meeting, HRMIS Monitoring Meeting, Joint Department Council Implementation Meeting (MBJ) and Human Resource Management Meeting.
  • Manage and review the facilities provided for officers/staff – hospital treatment facilities, Kew provision. 8 for salary changes, overtime, communication aid, sweater allowances and overseas approvals.
  • Manage the file system, the Department's meeting letters.
  • Manage Department vehicles, Touch & Go and Oil Indent Cards.

Financial Management Unit & Trust Account (UPKAA)



Plan, Coordinate and Prepare Annual Managing Budgets.

i. Manage Annual Budget applications until approved.

ii. Manage the distribution of Managing and Development Provisions including the need to Move Provisions (viremen).

Manage and Regulate Expenses and Payment of Managing Provisions, Development Provisions and Trust Accounts.

i. Manage applications for Government Orders, Work Indents, Contract Dependents and Civil Air Travel Warrants.

ii. Manage invoice/billing payments to suppliers and claims to Department staff.

iii. Managing Retail Money (PWR).

iv. Manage the payment of permanent staff emoluments / MySTEP / Marine Department Contract Malaysia.


v. Manage refund Cheque / Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) cancelled.

vi. Manage Personal Advance applications.

vii. Prepare expenditure reports and Trust Books for Trust Accounts.

viii. Manage and maintain investments for Trust Accounts.

ix. Provide Vot Balance Verification Certificate, Trust and Payment Deposit.

x. To generate prescribed reports such as SPANM on a daily / monthly / quarterly basis.

+ Marine Headquarters Expenditure Performance Report

+ Report – Payment Instructions Report

+ Report – Procurement Report

+ Report – Panjar Report

xi. Coordinate audit reprimand feedback 

Manage Government Revenue and Non-Revenue Receipts and Trust Accounts.

i. Manage revenue collection, not Government revenue and Trust Account revenue.

ii. Manage revenue refund applications.

iii. Maintaining the Cerakinan Cash Book. 

iv. Preparing Receipt Account Documents (DAT).

v. Maintain Mail Register and Unsold Check Register.

vi. Prepare a Certificate of Confirmation of Deposit Balance of Receipts and Revenue Adjustment.

vii. Generate the prescribed revenue reports as per SPANM on a daily/monthly/quarterly/annual basis.

Manage Accounts Receivable (ABT) and Unpaid Accounts (ABB)

i. Provide ABT reminder letters (excluding rental arrears) to the debtor. 

ii. Maintain ABT and ABB lists. 

iii. Monitor ABT and ABB reports set on a daily / monthly / quarterly / half year / annual basis.

Implementing the Financial Management Cross-Check Inspectorate at the Responsibility Centre (PTJ) and the Collector's Office.

Conduct financial management inspections at PTJ or the Collector's Office to comply with the financial and accounting regulations in force.

Secretariat for Financial Management Self-Evaluation System (SPKPK).

Provide the required information in SPKPK.

Provide Advisory Services Related to Financial Regulations in force.

Provide advisory services related to financial regulations in force to PTJ or the Collector's Office.

Meeting Secretariat:-

i. Financial and Account Management Committee (JPKA);

ii. Activity Performance Management Committee (APMC); 

iii. eProcurement Implementation Team (eP) Committee; and

iv. Accounts Receivable Committee (ABT)

i. Conduct JPKA, APMC and ABT meetings 4 times a year.

ii. To conduct eP System Implementation Committee Meetings twice a year.

Information Technology and Electronic Government Unit (UTMKE)



To manage the Department's ICT Steering Committee (JPICT) Meeting.

i. To provide advisory services, review and coordinate the ICT Hardware and Software Procurement Technical Approval Application Paper, Network and ICT Services Department.

ii. Ensure that JPICT Application Papers are complete and available for the approval of JPICT Committee Members.  

iii. Monitor the Procurement and Implementation of ICT Hardware, Software, Network and Services Projects of the Department Status for each approved ICT project.

Plan and manage the implementation of the activities and certification of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) of the Department.

i. Merancang aktiviti pelaksana Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan Maklumat jabatan. 

ii. Melaksanakan aktiviti ISMS.

iii. Memantau dan menilai aktiviti.

iv. Menyelenggara dan menambahbaik ISMS

v. Mengurus persediaan pensijilan ISMS jabatan.

Manage the implementation and monitoring of the Department's Digitalisation Strategic Plan.

i. Implementing the Digitalization Strategic Plan.

ii. Monitor the achievement of the Digitalisation Strategic Plan.

Plan and Manage ICT Training to staff and ICT personnel. 

Plan and manage ICT Training to staff and ICT personnel.

Manage Development and Maintenance for Application Systems, Integrations and Databases.

i. Plan and manage system/integration requirements studies/analysis.

ii. Plan and manage the preparation of application/integration system design and databases.

iii. Plan and manage system development/integration.

iv. Plan and manage system/integration testing.

v. Implement and monitor system implementation/integration.

vi. Implement and monitor changes in system/integration information and databases.

vii. Implement and monitor system/integration maintenance.

viii. Implement the registration & password maintenance of the application system.

ix. Implement technical services for fingerprint registration application (Biometrics).

x. Implement technical services for the application of the identity card of the department.

Manage and Monitor Development and Maintenance for the department's intranet website and site (JALIN).

i. Plan and monitor development for intranet websites and sites (JALIN).

ii. Implement and monitor maintenance for intranet websites and sites (JALIN).

Merancang, mengurus, dan memantau Operasi Automasi Pejabat.

i. Mengawalselia Pergerakan / Pinjaman Perkakasan ICT 

ii. Menyediakan peralatan ICT untuk aktiviti jabatan.

iii. Menyelenggara perkakasan / perisian ICT .

iv. Melaksanakan pelupusan perkakasan / perisian ICT.

Merancang, mengurus, dan mengawalselia Operasi Pusat Data.

i. Menyelenggara Pusat Data.

ii. Mendaftar dan menyelenggara capaian kemudahan Pusat Data (pelayan dan perkakasan rangkaian)

Merancang, mengurus, mengawalselia Operasi Rangkaian.

i. Menyelenggara rangkaian jabatan

Merancang, mengurus, dan memantau Keselamatan ICT.

i. Mendaftar dan menyelenggara katalaluan e-mel.

ii. Mengawal Ancaman Virus dan Spam

iii. Mengawal keselamatan perkakasan, rangkaian dan maklumat.

iv. Melaksanakan sandaran (Backup) data / aplikasi.

v. Melaksanakan pemulihan (restore) data, sistem atau integrasi.

Asset Management Unit



i. Manage and coordinate the Department's movable assets.

ii. Plan, coordinate and monitor the acquisition of movable assets of the Department.

iii. Coordinate and monitor the maintenance of the Department's buildings.

iv. Coordinate matters related to compliance with the Department's Mobile Asset management procedures and procedures.

v. Perform secretarial duties to the Department's Mobile Asset Management Committee Meeting.

vi. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Asset Management System.

vii. Record and analyze the total movable assets of the Department including the Region and submit reports to the Ministry of Transport on a quarterly basis.

viii. Appoint and coordinate the Investigative Committee for the loss of movable assets.

ix. To prepare the Annual Report on Mobile Assets and Department Stores.

x. Coordinate the appointment of Officers of related assets:-




A. Manage, plan, monitor and coordinate the Management of Government Mobile Assets owned by JLM (including all regions), LDA, KWPPL and ILPL Trust Account

i. Managing Government Mobile Assets in accordance with the rules set out in 1Treasury Circular (1PP) - Asset Management (AM).

ii. Coordinate the appointment of Asset Officer, Asset Inspector Officer and Disposal Inspector Board for the Headquarters and Regional Region of the Marine Department of Malaysia, Akauan Amanah Lembaga Dius Api (LDA), Marine Trade Centre Fund (KWPPL), Marine Transport Training Institute (ILPL).

iii. Received application for Loss of Government Assets from Regions and Trust Accounts LDA,KWPPL and ILPL.

iv. Running the Government Mobile Asset Management Committee Meeting (JKPAK) at the Department Level and becoming a member of JKPAK at the Ministry level.

v. Plan to implement courses related to Assets and Stores for Departments and Regions.

B. Manage, plan, monitor and coordinate the Management of JLM-owned Government Stores (including all regions), LDA, KWPPL and ILPL Trust Account.

i. Managing the Government Capital Store in accordance with 1Treasury Circular (1PP) AM 6 Government Store Management Procedure.

ii. Implementing the acquisition of LDA, KWPPL and ILPL Trust Accounts.

iii. Preparing Store Report for Mobile Asset Management Committee Meeting (JKPAK) at Department and Ministry Level.

iv. Received application for loss of Government Stock from Regions and Trust Accounts LDA,KWPPL and ILPL.

C. Manage, plan, monitor and coordinate the Maintenance of JLM and LDA-owned Buildings at Marine Headquarters.

i. Implementing Building Maintenance using Federal, LDA,KWPPL and ILPL provisions.

Procurement Unit



Coordinate and assist the Department and Trust Accounts in implementing procurement through Direct Purchase, Quotation and Open Tender.

i. Ensure that procurement is carried out based on the approved Annual Procurement Plan.

ii. Review and approve Request Notes in the eProcurement system for Direct Purchase.

iii. Secretariat for procurement by quotation and tender.

Obtain the approval of the Department before issuing the Letter of Intent/LOI, Letter of Acceptance/LOA and assist in conducting pricing/technical negotiations with the contractor.

i. Accept tasks in the system.

ii. Download and prepare a Letter of Acceptance.

iii. Review of the Deputy Superintendent Officer (WPP).

iv. Get the signature of an authorized officer.

v. Submit a Letter of Acceptance to the supplier (Manual and ePerolehan system)

vi. Supplier and verify in eProcurement system.

vii. Receive a manual Letter of Acceptance from the supplier.

viii. Submit a Copy to Finance for payment purposes.

ix. Submit a Copy to the Deputy Superintendent Officer. 

The duties of the secretariat for the Department's Quotation Committee Meeting, the secretariat for amendments/changes to the current contract in force and the extension of the contract subject to compliance with the Treasury Circular in force.

i. Receive the opening/technical/financial evaluation document in the system or manual / Receive amendment/change/contract extension papers from the Deputy Superintendent Officer. 

ii. Prepare Briefing papers to be lifted at the Quotation Committee meeting.

iii. Quotation Committee Meeting Call.

iv. Present Quotation Committee Meeting

v. Prepare Minutes of Quotation Committee Meeting.

vi. Ensure that Integrity Pact for Appendix 4 and 5 is signed by the Chairman and Member of the Quotation Committee. 

vii. Prepare the Decision Letter of Quotation Committee Meeting.

viii. Distribute the decision letter of the Quotation Committee to the relevant Units/Divisions

ix. Ensure that the chairman and members confirm the results in the eP system.

x. Prepare a Letter of Acceptance.

Coordinate in verification, return of bond guarantee/extension bond as well as assist and coordinate in the cancellation of contract between the Department and the Contractor.

i. Receive bonds from suppliers.

ii. Make a bond confirmation letter to the bank.

iii. Receive bond confirmation from the bank.

Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the current year's procurement planning in the e-Perolehan system.

i. Prepare letters/emails to all Units/Divisions/Regions for submission of Annual Procurement Planning.

ii. Receive Knowledge Procurement Planning from Unit/Division/Region.

iii. Group all Annual Procurement Planning received.

iv. Submit a Copy to the Financial Management Unit and Trust Account.

v. Joint Unit/Division/Region Discussion for confirmation of allocation.

vi. Present in the Appropriations Expenditure Coordination Meeting.

vii. Submit the results of the Annual Procurement Planning to the Procurement and Finance Division, Ministry of Transport Malaysia for approval by the Controlling Officer.

viii. Receive Annual Procurement Planning approval.

ix. Key to Annual Procurement Planning approved in the eAcquisition system.

 Implement the implementation of contract management and the preparation of draft agreements in accordance with the terms set, coordinate and prepare additional agreements on any approved contract amendments.

i. Preparing a draft agreement. 

ii. Submit to the Legal Adviser review.

iii. Receive from Legal Adviser.

iv. Prepare contract documents.

v. Submit to the Deputy Superintendent Officer for review.

vi. Provide four (4) copies of the contract.

vii. Submit to the company for signature.

viii. Submit to the Authorized Officer for the signature of the contract.

ix. Submit to the supplier to be stamped off at the Inland Revenue Board.

x. Supplier binds contract documents.

xi. Receive from suppliers.

xii. Make fulfillment in the ePerolehan system.

Development Unit



To coordinate and monitor the Department's development projects to run smoothly and according to the schedule and cost set.

i. Coordinate and implement the Department's development projects in accordance with the Malaysian Five-Year Development Plan (RMK); 

ii) Application for additional ceilings to projects that have been approved in the RMK

iii. Coordinating Meetings and Committee Members of the Technical Assessment Committee and Price Negotiation Positions for development projects, members of the Consultative Assessment Committee, and Government Will Preparation Committee.

To prepare and monitor the consultant agreement / contract contract to ensure that the documents are completed within the stipulated period.

To prepare consultant agreements and contractor contracts and ensure the preparation of agreement documents and contracts are completed within the stipulated period.

To assist in updating and disseminating payment matters to ensure that the prescribed procedures are complied with.

Assist in managing the transfer of allocation with the Development Division, Ministry of Transport Malaysia if the allocation is insufficient.

 Implement and coordinate the monitoring of project implementation to ensure that projects can be implemented within the stipulated period.

i. Departmental project monitoring process

ii. Coordinate the outcome assessment and impact of the completed development projects;

Implement and coordinate immovable asset management to keep information up to date based on established procedures.

i. Manage the Application for Rental of Demis Premises and Application for Rental of Vacant Land Owned by the Federal Land Commissioner under the use of the Marine Department of Malaysia;

ii. Manage Land Acquisition Applications For Marine Department Malaysia

Meeting Secretariat:-

i. Malaysia Marine Department Level Development Project Monitoring Meeting (twice a year)

ii. Meeting of the Building Space Rental Committee (Premises) at Marine Department Malaysia (JLM) Level (4 times a year).

iii. Government Immovable Asset Management Committee Meeting (JKPAK) (Facility) Marine Department Malaysia Level (2 times a year)

iv. Twelfth Malaysia Plan Project Presentation Meeting (RMK) (1 time per year)

v. Work Change Committee Meeting, Time Extension and Loss & Expense of Marine Department Malaysia. 

(if there is an application)


To coordinate and monitor the Department's development projects to run smoothly and according to the schedule and cost set.

i. Coordinate and implement the Department's development projects in accordance with the Malaysian Five-Year Development Plan (RMK); 

ii) Application for additional ceilings to projects that have been approved in the RMK

iii. Mengurusetia Mesyuarat dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Jawatankuasa Penilaian Teknikal dan Jawatan Rundingan Harga bagi projek-projek pembangunan, ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaian Perunding, dan Jawatankuasa Penyediaan Kehendak kerajaan

To prepare and monitor the consultant agreement / contract contract to ensure that the documents are completed within the stipulated period.

To prepare consultant agreements and contractor contracts and ensure the preparation of agreement documents and contracts are completed within the stipulated period.

To assist in updating and disseminating payment matters to ensure that the prescribed procedures are complied with.

Assist in managing the transfer of allocation with the Development Division, Ministry of Transport Malaysia if the allocation is insufficient.

Implement and coordinate the monitoring of project implementation to ensure that projects can be implemented within the stipulated period.

i. Departmental project monitoring process

ii. Coordinate the outcome assessment and impact of the completed development projects;

Implement and coordinate immovable asset management to keep information up to date based on established procedures.

i. Manage the Application for Rental of Demis Premises and Application for Rental of Vacant Land Owned by the Federal Land Commissioner under the use of the Marine Department of Malaysia;

ii. Manage Land Acquisition Applications For Marine Department Malaysia

Meeting Secretariat:-

i. Malaysia Marine Department Level Development Project Monitoring Meeting (twice a year)

ii. Meeting of the Building Space Rental Committee (Premises) at Marine Department Malaysia (JLM) Level (4 times a year).

iii. Government Immovable Asset Management Committee Meeting (JKPAK) (Facility) Marine Department Malaysia Level (2 times a year)

iv. Twelfth Malaysia Plan Project Presentation Meeting (RMK) (1 time per year)

v. Work Change Committee Meeting, Time Extension and Loss & Expense of Marine Department Malaysia. 

(if there is an application)


To coordinate and monitor the Department's development projects to run smoothly and according to the schedule and cost set.

i. Coordinate and implement the Department's development projects in accordance with the Malaysian Five-Year Development Plan (RMK); 

ii) Application for additional ceilings to projects that have been approved in the RMK

iii. Coordinating Meetings and Committee Members of the Technical Assessment Committee and Price Negotiation Positions for development projects, members of the Consultative Assessment Committee, and Government Will Preparation Committee.

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