Malaysia Marine Department
“Safer Ships, Secure Ports, Cleaner Seas”
Malaysia Marine Department
“Safer Ships, Secure Ports, Cleaner Seas”
The Marine Department is a government Department under the purview of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia. The objective is to manage administrative related to shipping and ports including maritime affairs within Malaysian waters. Before the establish of the marine Department of Peninsular Malaysia, there were three separate marine departments include Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, each headed by tree different Head of Services.
On 1st January 2011, The three Marine Department was integrated to form the Marine Department Of Malaysia. The first Director General of Marine Department is YBhg. Dato Captain Hj. Ahmad Bin Othman.
Ships & Boats
Cargo Jetty
Boat Jetty
Passenger Jetty
Pelampung Pandu
VTMIS / VTS Centre
Oil Spill Equipment Stockpile
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